PWC instructor revalidation

RYA PWC Instructor Certificate is valid for 5 years. After this point you must revalidate. 

Further details can be seen at: 


Revalidation requirements: 

  • 30 hours of instructing within last 5 years at an RYA recognised training centre 
  • Valid first aid certificate 

Revalidate online at: 


What if your certificate is more than 1 year expired or you have not completed 30 hours of instructing? 

  • Complete Observation Form (see below) prior to starting revalidation process


Instructor observation form -power.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 143.3 KB

What if your certificate is more than 2 years expired? 

  • Complete RYA Instructor course again.. 

Valid First Aid Certificate:

First aid certificates should be refreshed or renewed every three years, other than STCW First Aid certificates which may be refreshed up to every 5 years.