It has been brought to our attention that there is more legislation around the use of flyboards etc then we thought within the Med, this includes other aquatic activities (Seabobs etc).
A few of our clients have recently been stopped by the Guardia during flyboard activities and been informed that they must fly the Alpha (dive) flag whilst these activities are taking place. Currently we cannot find any 'written' legislation on this matter but there definitely seems to be a theme at the moment and the message is the same regarding the flag. However, how the flag should be displayed in currently under some dispute, though more than one Yacht has been told to fly it on a pole from the back of the PWC (jetski).. and tender whilst Seabobs are being used in the area.
Reading into the laws it says, “measures should be taken for all round visibility” – with regards to location it’s a worldwide practice.
Worth looking into before you next use your Flyboard, Seabobs etc..
If anyone has further information (preferably written or a link the relevant website) please do comment below..
Dive Flag / Alpha Flag
International code flag A & diver down.
300mm x 200mm.
excl. VAT and shipping costs
- Available
- Ships within 3-5 days from invoice payment - Submit Quote request for shipping costs1

How to attach it to your PWC:
We've also spotted this product which presumably can be adapted to fit the Alpha flag?
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